Placing ads directly on cars results in more awareness than ever, allowing drivers to make money easily.
Learn MoreAs you drive, advertisements are displayed on the Pixel Plate, which converts to earning money as you drive! Check out how our payment system works below.
Companies pay us to display advertisements for up to 2 minutes, and you are paid based on how much you drive with Pixel Plate active!
The average American drives around 1,200 miles monthly, with 5 hours each month spent stopped in traffic.
Day or night, Pixel Plate is always visible under any lighting conditions.
Raining? Water proof display.
No matter the weather, it's always ready to shine.
Easy to use, completely free. Pixel-perfected, just for you.
Quickly withdraw your money to any bank account, and reach your monthly goals.
Track how much you earn daily, monthly, and yearly. Watch your trends and reach your goals.
Lock any sensitive information behind a password. All data is secure and safe.